The Team

Who are we?

We are 6 high-school students from “Gheorghe Sincai” National College, living in Bucharest, Romania.


He’s the person that you can always confide in. He’s well organized and ambitious, and also knows when to treat a situation humorously and when to be stoic.




She’s optimistic, very calm, the type of person that thinks ten times before taking a decision. She’s a friend that you can rely on,assuming you don’t mind her being late.




She’s an energetic and lively person, not to mention empathic. She’s very optimistic, and has a remarkable silvertongue, whether it comes to good or evil.




He’s meticulous, well documented and too organized. He hates to waste his time, but once he gets involved, you know you can rely on him.




A strong personality that never leaves anything mid-way. Literature passionate, with whom you can always have an interesting conversation and a good laugh.



She’s outgoing and extrovert and a lifelover. She’s never late to find the best in everything, but she’s always late for appointments.

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